Helping You Harness the Experience Economy
Facility Issues
We extract insights from recorded in-person conversations between employees and customers to measure and improve customer experience and employee engagement.
In hospitality, every interaction shapes the guest experience
Our innovative solutions identify service gaps and unlock potential enhancements, ensuring your property delivers top-tier service consistently, shaping the memories your guests take with them.
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Understand What's Happening at Your Properties
Customer Experience & Loyalty
Out of Order
Enhance guest satisfaction with precise monitoring of feedback on wait times, staff attentiveness, and the cleanliness and maintenance of facilities.
Marketing & Promotions
Cashier Influenced Purchase
“We have a suite available I can upgrade you to at a 25% discount, would you like me to do so?”
Monitor cashier engagement and effectiveness in delivering promotions, ensuring marketing strategies resonate well with customers.
Staff Engagement & Attrition
Staff Engagement
"Hello and welcome! We're so glad you're here. We've been looking forward to your arrival"
Empower cashiers, reduce turnover: Identify, uplift, and retain top performers with streamlined training.
On-Property Operations
Out of Order by System
Vacuum Issue
“My system is crashing again, can you check out room 204 for me?”
Detect and resolve operational challenges, ensuring systems facilitate rather than hinder staff efficiency.
Long Wait Complaints
“We have a suite available I can upgrade you to at a 25% discount, would you like me to do so?”
"Hello and welcome! We're so glad you're here. We've been looking forward to your arrival"
Reservation System Down
“My system is crashing again, can you check out room 204 for me?”